This week was the last of the ergo challenges that Liz and Alex organised over lockdown. Over 16 weeks there were 28 events, with a total of 1,221,441 meters rowed. That's enough to get you to the Munich Beer Festival.
Well done everyone.
This week Black were the winners of both events, so well done Alex, John B and John P. But it was close, with only 30cm between the two teams in the long event.
In the 10 x 1Min: Black averaged 2818.6 meters and Red 2818.3 meters.
In the fastest 1 Min, Black averaged 302 meters and Red 288 meters.
From Sep we are planning an online ergo league table, were you can keep a log of your personal scores and see a club league table. We are planning to run this for both 1 Km and 5 Km distances, as these are the lengths of our most common competitions.