On August 30th, twelve of the Women's squad from Monmouth Rowing Club set off for Norfolk to start the Great Ouse Marathon over a mammoth 22km. Three crews raced: a Women's F8+, a Women's C2x and a Women's C1x.

After several weeks of extensive mileage, the three crews set off from West Norfolk Rowing Club on Sunday morning.
Sue went off first in her single scull 1x (frankly amazing as she is not an experienced sculler) , achieving a super second place out of five and a time of 1 hour 51 minutes.

Fliss and Rachel, who only learnt to row last year also achieved an excellent result, finishing in 1 hour 58 minutes.
Despite being exhausted, all three were there to welcome home the Masters Women's Eight who completed the course in a lightning 1 hour 40 minutes. Special thanks must go to Matt Royston for his superb leadership and his patience in coaching the crew and the various subs over the weeks building up the mileage, confidence, rate and pace.

Overall the Womens Eight came second in the Open Women's category (there being no other Master's opposition) and beat the 3rd and 4th senior crews in raw time without any handicap being applied. The WF8 not only set the F record but beat the Masters Women's records for B, C and D.

A great weekend had by all.
Thanks to all drivers, towers, and Matt.
If you are interested in racing for Monmouth this year, then please contact Sarah on membership@monmouthrc.org.uk or if you fancy Learning to Row then get in touch with Julia on ltr@monmouthrc.org.uk