Now that the English lockdown is coming to an end on Wednesday 2nd December we have been reviewing the situation with regard to members living in England.
As we are a Welsh club we are bound by the Welsh regulations, which unfortunately have not (yet) changed despite the impending relaxation of rules in some areas of England.
This means that, regrettably, unless and until the Welsh government changes its position, the end of English lockdown won't make any difference to the current situation and we are not able to allow members living in England to use the club. We realise this is far from ideal and we wish it were otherwise.
The good news is that the Welsh government is reviewing its rules on Thursday 3rd and we expect an announcement this coming Friday which we VERY much hope will mean that members in England can cross the border to row.
Here are the current Welsh regulations, in case you're minded to have a read:
For members living in Wales, you can:
· Single scull
· Book a gym or ergo session
· Row with others who live in your family home. Add the names of the additional rowers on the boat booking form.
· Row with others as an extended family. Before you do this you must initially inform the Club Captain and when booking an Extended Family outing tick the 'Extended Family box' on the booking form and add the names of the additional rowers.
All the above activities must follow the guidelines for Phase 7 as set out in our Return to Rowing Plan.
We will be in touch again as soon as we hear more from the Welsh Government. Keep everything crossed for Friday!