With lock down still with us, Monmouth's Women crew are taking on the great Race of the Thames and rowing 346km in aid of MRC's charity for this year; SARA and the wonderful London Youth Rowing. The rowing will take place over 22-29 March with links on how you can help them fundraise here.
However, these mild mannered women will be doing it using their alter egos as super heros.

Reports from the Daily Planet have confirmed that they will be wearing a different costume for each day of the Race the Thames challenge, completing 346km (43.25km each) between 22 and 29 March to raise money for London Youth Rowing and the Severn Area Rescue Association (SARA – our club’s nominated charity). I’m not yet at liberty to disclose each day’s #OOTD (outfit of the day – duh), but there will be a Henley day, of course, and a rainbow day and much more.
Please support our caped crusaders and the great charities as they pound the streets (sorry river) fighting for truth, justice and the MRC way.
For more infomation, follow the Girl on the River's blog which gives details of all the heros - although that obviously excludes anyone who sits at three!