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New Rowing Session Timetable - 15 Sep

With both schools having been given permission to recommence rowing (with restrictions that apply to schools), we have set out a timetable to allow the rowing sessions to be shared. This new timetable starts from 15 Sep.

MRC members can row in any MRC or blank sessions. Sessions bookings is via the on-line booking page

The current ruling preventing the use of showers means neither of the schools are intending to have early morning sessions during the week; so slots up to 9:00am Monday - Friday are available to MRC members. The schools are able to overlap the times they are planning to go out, having agreed additional protocols between themselves. There will not be any overlap between the schools and any MRC sessions. 

As you can imagine the biggest pinch point is Saturday mornings; as a consequence, trying to be fair to everyone, there will not be any sessions available to seniors until after 1pm. Perhaps this is an ideal time to row in the afternoon, and then have a physically distanced drink in the clubhouse!

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